Eel River Beef
Humboldt County, CA
Eel River Organic Beef is located in the remote North West corner of California in the Eel River Valley surrounded by lush green sub-irrigated pastures and giant Redwood trees.
The cattle graze on approximately 50,000 acres providing plenty of open space, fresh air, and clean water. Unlike conventional cattle and even many organic cattle, these animals remain on certified organic grassy pastures their entire life, never going to feedlots for finishing. The pastures offer a mix of rye and clover, grown in soil rich with nutrients and microbes that thrive in the organic environment. This superior quality food plus a healthy life outdoors result in a flavorful beef with two to six times more Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins E, C and Beta-Carotene.
Eel River cattle are grazed in a rotational grazing system and are rotated from pasture to pasture as the grass is grazed to a certain height. This prevents overgrazing and the livestock do not compete with wildlife for other food when the grass is gone. Grazing reduces the height of the grass and allows sunlight to reach the ground, encouraging new growth. This cycle continues as the cattle are rotated through the pastures.