Case Studies

We live for a good burger. Cream Co. patties are a fixture on just about every list of the best burgers in the Bay. So when Shake Shack was preparing for its Bay Area launch, and Culinary Director Mark Rosati was eating his way along the San Francisco burger trail, it wasn’t long before our orbits collided like a smash patty to griddle.
In our first meeting with Mark, we floated the idea of developing a California-centric burger featuring local grass-fed beef to highlight the Golden State’s sustainable and regenerative culinary heritage. Shake Shack is known for adding a regional touch to its global menus, but this was the first time they’d considered a new meat block.
Over countless ranch and slaughterhouse visits, and months of testing and perfecting, we developed a burger blend that showcases California grass-fed beef at its finest and embodies the degree of excellence and consistency Shake Shack stakes their brand on.
The Golden State Double was born making Shake Shack the first global restaurant chain to serve a regenerative burger.
If Shake Shack can prioritize regional, regenerative sourcing and invest in small local businesses, corporations of all sizes can choose to do the same.
This work gets us excited. It's the impact we look to make on the world. One regenerative burger down, a lifetime of thoughtful restaurant and ranching partnerships to go.

When we started selling to restaurants in 2016, tech campuses weren’t on our radar. As campuses continued to spring up across the Bay Area, each serving thousands of breakfast, lunches, and dinners, it quickly became apparent how deeply these massive cafeterias were affecting the bottom line for Bay Area restaurants as well as local farms.
We’ve made it a priority to connect small organic meat producers with these large-scale purchasers so that they directly benefit from the new California food economy.
With our aggregate model and logistical capabilities, Cream Co. is able to support multiple local ranches who might not have the resources to service big buyers directly. To date, we’ve connected 10+ small producers to a dozen corporate cafeterias serving over 20,000 meals a day. As the food economy continues to evolve, Cream Co. will evolve with it, ensuring small local farms get a permanent seat at the table.

Beef2Institution is a pioneering project to connect large institutional buyers with local, small-to-mid-sized family ranches. Together, we are bringing traditionally underserved communities delicious, nutritionally-dense, Regenerative Grass-fed beef. We bridge the gap between farm direct and broadline distribution.
Investing in values-based food purchasing gives institutional buyers significant power to:
- Provide nutrient-dense food to traditionally underserved communities
- Support regional, regenerative, and equitable food production
- Be leaders in the fight for community health and wealth
- Transform menus to promote more climate-friendly foods
- Encourage additional farmland conversion to regenerative
Every ranch in the Beef2Institution program employs Regenerative farming practices that improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and restore our ecosystems.
Our beef comes from cattle raised grazing on open rangelands without confinement, hormones, or antibiotics.
Beef that's better. For health, planet and people.